
Birth : 20.12. 1935
Entered Bethany : 03.06.1952
First Profession : 13.05.1956
Final Profession : 04.05.1962
Entered Eternity :01.08.2024

“I am the Resurrection and the Life; those who believe in me, even though they die, will live ((Jn 11:25)
Having journeyed with the hope of being united with her Beloved Lord, Sr M Doreen nee Agnes EugineTauro breathed her last on 01, August 2024 at 8.07 am at the age of 89 years and 68th year of her religious life at St Martha’s Hospital Bangalore,after a period of prolonged illness. Sr Doreen hails from St Michael’s Parish, Bellur, Dakshina Kannada District, Mangalore Diocese. She was the second child among 5 siblings of late Joseph Tauro and late Marceline Tauro. Late Sr Cecilia BS her sister and late Sr Monica, her maternal aunt were Bethany sisters.
Sr Doreen had her education from St Michael’s Hr Pry School, Bellur, and Little Flower High School Kinnigoly, Mangalore. She did her TCH in Rosa Mystica Teacher’s Training School, Kinnikambla, Mangalore. She had her Rural Apostolic Training in Karnataka University, Dharwad. She rendered her services as Teacher, Superior and Headmistress in Bethany Convent Mangalore, Holy Cross, Dimapur, Holy Family, Nirkan, Santa Cruz Kulshekar, Ganazzana Convent Taccode, Bethany Bangalore and Mother of Mercy, Gadenahalli. After her retirement in 1992, she underwent a course in Manitoba Canada and a course in Holistic Counselling at Montford College, Bangalore. She was very actively engaged in social service. She served as the Directress of Multi - Social Service Society of Bangalore Archdiocese from 1989 to 1992. She joined Jyothi Nilaya in 1998 and continued her services as Directress of Jyothi Social Work Centre, Bangalore till 2018. She had the expertise in writing projects to avail foreign aid towards the mission of the Province. She has also served as the formator of the initial stages of formation, and conducted retreats and seminars for the novices.
Sr Doreen is a multifaceted personality. She could complete any given responsibility with diligence and utmost care. As engaged in social service, she understood the suffering of the poor, and went out of herself in compassion to the children, youth and women. She helped many drop-out youth to complete their High School through non-formal education. She was very fond of our Founder and knew him personally. She took delight to speak of his goodness, his love and care for sisters. Intellectually gifted, she was good at composing songs on birthdays and feast days of the sisters in Kannada, English and Konkani. She was an eloquent speaker. She is the Co-editor of the Book ‘To Proclaim His Love’.
As she was ailing from breathlessness due to lung congestion, she was admitted to St Martha’s Hospital, Bangalore on 18.7.2024. During her treatment, she was serene and with a sense of fulfillment she expressed that she was ready to meet her Creator. On 31st July 2024 she showed signs of uneasiness. Sr Sahana the Provincial Superior along with her Councillors, local Superior and the sisters visited her in the hospital and prayed for her. She flew away peacefully commending her soul into the hands of her Creator on 1st August 2024. Her funeral rites will be held at Jyothi Nilaya Chapel, Bangaloreon 2.8.2024 at 10.30 am.
I extend my sincere condolences to Sr Sahana the Provincial Superior and all the sisters of Bangalore Province, Sr Precilla Fernandes the local Superior and the members of Jyothi Nilaya, Bengaluru.
Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace.

Sr Shanthi Priya,
Asst Superior General

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