
Birth: 08.03.1930
Entered Bethany: 19.01.1949
First Profession: 05.05.1951
Final Profession: 07.05.1957
Entered Eternity: 25.07.2024

Sr M Domitilla BS (82) nee Thresiamma of Bethany Congregation, of Southern Province, passed away on 25 July 2024 at 11.45 pm at Eudes Convent West Hill Kozhikode, Kerala. She hails from Changanacherry Diocese of Kottayam District. She is the daughter of late Mr Cherian Parathanamand Mary Parathanam.

Sr Domitilla has rendered her services as a Craft instructor, Hostel warden and a zealous missionary for about 73 years in the communities at Santibastwad, Madanbhavi of Western Province in Karnataka state, Pallikkunnu, Puthenthope, Pathanapuram, Kamukincode and West Hill in Southern Province. She was a very caring and loving sister wherever she lived and served. She was very respectful towards her authorities. She was a committed and dedicated missionary and won the hearts of everyone in the parishes and places wherever she lived. Hostel children and other people whom she served loved her as their angel. She would help the poor students, children and families by seeking help from others. She was fully committed to pastoral ministry in different parishes, visiting families and engaging in direct evangelization in the remote villages of Belgaum especially Santibastwad and Madanbhavi. Her dealings were always polite and gentle. She had great love for the poor and the sick. Sr Domitilla will be always remembered as a very affectionate, loving, kind hearted, jovial and committed Bethany Sister.

While she was confined to the house these years, she would spend long hours before the Blessed Sacrament. The school children would rush to take her blessings and were drawn by her holiness. Sr Domittila maintained good health all through her life except for a few age-related issues specially wheezing. The sisters at Eudes Convent West Hill accompanied her during the evening years of her life. About a week ago when Sr Domitilla showed some discomfort, she was given the Sacrament of Anointing of the sick by the Parish Priest and was fortified with Holy Communion daily. On 16th July she was active and vibrant and celebrated the Foundation Day meaningfully. On 17th all of a sudden she took ill and was admitted in MIMS Hospital for chest infection and breathing problem. Sr Lillis the Superior and community sisters assisted Sr Domitilla while she was suffering. Her family members especially her nephew who is a priest and nieces who are nuns in FCC, SABS and MSJ congregations too visited her at the Convent and in the Hospital.

She was in the Hospital for the last 9 days. On 25th noon she was discharged and brought to the convent for continued care and support by the community sisters. On the night of 25th while Sr Lillis and other sisters were praying at her bedside, Sr Domitilla flew to heaven peacefully at 11.45pm. Sr Judy Varghese the Provincial Superior and the Councillors reached the convent, prayed and commended her soul into the hands of her Creator. Her funeral rites will be held on 27th July 2024, Saturday at 09.15 am at Eudes Convent Chapel, by the Parish Priest, followed by Funeral Mass by Most Rev Dr Bishop Varghese Chakkalakal Bishop of Calicut Diocese at 10.00am at St Michael’s Parish Church West Hill. Thereafter mortal remains will be entombed at West Hill Cemetery.

Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and perpetual light shine upon her; may she rest in peace.

Sr Shanthi Priya
Asst Superior General


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