
Born:                         31.07.1938
Entered Bethany:        24.05.1955
Temporary Profession: 08.05.1957
Perpetual Profession:  04.05.1963
Slept in the Lord:         05.09.2024

Sr Rosalie BS, nee Alice Sequeira aged 86, a member of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany, Mangalore, peacefully flew to her eternal abode on 5th September 2024 at 11.25am at Bethany Convent Nanthoor, Mangalore. She was born to late Mr Casmir Sequeira and Mrs Nathalia Pinto. She hails from St Ignatius Loyola Church Paladka in the Diocese of Mangalore. She is the 5th one among the 7 siblings.

Sr Rosalie had her primary education at Ignatius Primary School Paladka, High School studies at Little Flower Girls High School, Kinnigoli, and PUC at St Ann’s Mangalore. She pursued her graduation at Banaras Hindu University, UP and completed her B.Ed from St Ann’s College of Education, Mangalore. Sr Rosalie joined Bethany Congregation on 24.05.1955 and made her Temporary Profession on 8th May 1957 and Perpetual Profession on 4th May 1963.
Sr Rosalie is an exuberant and enthusiastic personality filled with love and compassion towards all. She was prayerful, humane, cheerful, serene in every situation and an ever grateful religious. Where Sr Rosalie was, there was joy, laughter and fun. She enjoyed being with all categories of people. Being an active and generous person, she contributed for the well-being of everyone in the community. Her vibrant presence was felt during the prayer and liturgy as she would sing with devotion and unction with her melodious voice.
We are proud to say that she is one of the pioneering missionaries to the new frontiers of North India. She withstood the inconveniences and extreme climate of the place and remained steadfast in her new mission labouring for Christ and His people. She was a great champion of education. As a well read and knowledgeable person, she contributed her lion’s share to the educational institutions. She touched and moulded many lives of the students and made a difference in the society. As a committed and dedicated teacher and Principal she served in Dharwar, Karnal, Naini, Bathinda, Ludhiana, Paradip, Madikeri, Bethany Mother House-Mangalore, Greater Noida, and Bethay Convent, Nanthoor from 2018-2024. Her life, was marked by childlike simplicity, generosity and filial devotion to Mother Mary. Her favourite hymn to Mother Mary was: “Moriye Christa Maaye” which she loved to sing at the Grotto of Mother Mary.

We extend our heartfelt condolences to Sr Erasma, the Provincial Superior and her council, the sisters of Northern Province, Sr Violet Pinto, the local superior and the sisters of Bethany Convent, Nanthoor, for their tender and loving care and spiritual accompaniment, especially during her illness.

As we commend her soul to God we pray: Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace!

Her funeral rites will be held on Friday 6th September 2024 at 3.00 pm at Bethany Convent, Nanthoor, Mangalore.

(Sr Rose Celine BS)
Superior General

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