
Born                         :30.09.1943
Entered Bethany        :24.05.1962
Temporary Profession :06.05.1965
Perpetual Profession  :14.05.1971
Entered Eternity         :12.09.2024

“Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever” (Ps.23:6).

Sr Mary Joyette BS nee Carmine Monteiro of Jesus Crucified, who experienced the goodness and unfailing love of her beloved Lord all the days of her life, left this earthly dwelling today to live in the house of the Lord forever. While she was receiving medical treatment for her age-related ailments at the Health Care Centre, Quepem, Goa, the Lord took her to himself at 7.15 pm today the 12th of September 2024 at the 81st year of her life and 60th year of her religious life. Her parents Late Antony Monteiro and Late Magdaline D’ Souza, offered Sr Joyette for the service of the Lord from among their 8 children. After her early education in St Joseph’s Hr Pry School at her birth place Borimar, in the Diocese of Mangalore, Sr Joyette pursued her High School studies at Little Flower High School, Bajpe, run by Bethany Sisters and it is here that she experienced the call of the Lord and joined the Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany on May 24,1962.
Sr Joyette completed her Teacher Training at Rose Mystica Teacher Training College, Kinnikambla and taught little children at the Primary School at Sagar, Gadag, Arsikere, Mulki, Dharwad, Dornahally and after retirement served at Ankola, Ambewadi and Quepem. She was very simple, humble by nature, approachable and compassionate. She was so much part of Mother Earth, nurturing plants and had love for the animals. Her devotion to our Eucharistic Lord and our Blessed Mother enabled her to spend time in prayer and silent contemplation. All along she enjoyed good health and rendered whole hearted and committed service. Her last ten years of dedication to pastoral work at St Mary’s Convent, Quepem, were commendable.

For the past couple of months she suffered from age related ailments and her community under the direction of Sr Alcina the Local Superior took care of her lovingly. However, for medical support she was admitted to District Hospital, Hospicio, Madgaonon Sept 6, 2024 where she received treatment in the ICU. When she showed signs of improvement she was shifted to nearby Health Centre at Quepem for better care on Sept 10, 2024 where she breathed her last, due to cardiac arrest.

Her funeral rites will be held at Holy Cross Church, Quepem, South Goa, on Sept 13, 2024 at 4.00 pm

I extend my sincere condolences to Sr Sally BS the Provincial Superior of Western Province, Dharwad, and all the Sisters of the Province, especially to Sr Alcina the Local Superior of St Mary’s Convent, Quepem and the Sisters of the Community.

Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace, Amen.

Sr Shanthi Priya
Asst Superior General


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