
Born                           : 25.03.1945
Entered Bethany        : 23.07.1963
First Profession          : 05.05.1965
Perpetual Profession : 14.05.1971
Entered Eternity          :12.02.2025

Sr Thomasita BS, entered her heavenly home at 12.20 pm on February 12, 2025 at Eude’s Convent, Westhill. She was 80-years-old and lived 60 years in religious life. Sr Thomasita nee Mariamma Thomas hails from Arakkulam - Palai, Idukki. She is the second child among eleven children of late Kaayathinkara Thomas and Aleykutty.

She joined Bethany on 23.07.1963 and made her First Profession on 05.05.1965 and perpetual profession on 14.05.1971. Her life and mission at Villa Theresa Convent Bangalore, Lourdes Pallikunnu, Eudes West Hill, Stella Maris Puthenthope, St Paul’s Thenhipalam, Bethany Provincial House – Chevayur, Bethany Thavam, Bethany Thalamukil, Bethany Annai Nagar, offered a setting for Sr. Thomasita to give her very best in loving service through various ministries. 37 years of her religious life was spent at Eudes Convent West Hill at various intervals.

Sr Thomasita was a teacher by profession and also involved in pastoral care of the faithful in the parishes wherever she lived. She was well known for her melodious singing and leading the choir during the liturgy. She loved and cared for the children and was taking good care of everyone who came into her life. She has served in communities as a teacher, Superior, Headmistress, and boarding mistress.

Sr Thomasita lived a joyful life trusting in Divine providence with great contentment. The training and education she received - Diploma in Consecrated Life, Spiritual Theology helped her in life and mission. She was a person of Prayer and spent many hours before the Blessed Sacrament especially after retirement. She had great devotion to the Blessed Mother and Rosary was her constant companion especially when she was ill. She possessed qualities of love, simplicity, concern, gentleness, sensitivity towards the sisters, and had a great love for the poor and the needy. Sr Thomasita was a committed disciplinarian and at the same time was a loving teacher, boarding mistress.
Six months ago, Sr. Thomasita suffered a heart attack, which marked the beginning of a courageous battle with a combination of challenging health issues, including cardiac complications, diabetes, urinary and intestinal ailments. During this time of her sickness, she accepted her pain in a spirit of faith surrender. She was hospitalized very often for better medical care and treatment. Despite her resilience and the dedicated care she received, her struggles ultimately led to her passing. She was administered the last sacrament by parish priest twice during her illness. Sr Lillis and the community members were close to her and were supporting her with prayer and presence all these days of intense suffering. Sr Thomasita was admitted in Nirmala Hospital ICU in critical situation on 10 February 2025 and on 12 February 2025 at 12.20 pm in the prayerful presence of Sr Reena Rose the Provincial Procurator, Sr Anitha Mary the Assistant Superior of Eudes Convent West Hill and a few other community members, she serenely and peacefully flew to heaven.

I extend my sincere condolences to Sr Judy Varghese BS the Provincial Superior of Southern Province, and all the sisters of the province, especially to Sr Lillis the local superior of Eudes Convent, West Hill and the sisters of the community.

The Funeral Mass will be celebrated at 4.00pm on Thursday, 13 February 2025, at St. Michael’s Church, West Hill, officiated by Most Rev. Dr Varghese Chakkalakkal, Bishop of Calicut Diocese. After which her mortal remains will be entombed at West Hill Cemetery.

Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and perpetual light shine upon her; May she rest in peace.

Sr Shanthi Priya BS
(Asst Superior General)


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