Born :30.03.1943
Entered Bethany : 31.05.1960
First Profession : 05.05.1962
Perpetual Profession : 03.05.1968
Entered Eternity : 22.02.2025
Sr Olinda peacefully journeyed to her eternal home at 7.15 am on February 22, 2025 at Bethany Convent, Ushamatu, Ranchi, Jharkhand. She was 82 years old and had joyfully lived 63 years of religious life.Sr Olinda nee Emiliana Pereira, hails from Kulur, Mangalore. She is the third child among the ten siblings of late Mr Sabastian Pereira and late Mrs Stephany D’Souza.
Responding to God’s call, she joined the Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany on May 13, 1962, made her First Profession on May 5, 1964, and her Perpetual Profession on May 3, 1968.A woman of deep faith and devotion, Sr Olinda’s life was centered on Jesusin the Eucharist. She faithfully rose early to arrange the altar for adoration and Mass, ensuring everything in the chapel was well cared for. Even in her illness, she remained spiritually alert and deeply united in prayer, especially before the Blessed Sacrament. Her devotion to Mother Mary and her virtuous life left a lasting impression on those who knew her.
Sr Olinda, a person of few words, silent but was a zealous missionary. She came to North India in 1962 to Karnal. After her TCH in 1964 she went to Punjab. She enjoyed her consecrated life in Bethany. She was a very good English teacher, specialized in teaching phonetics. She was known for drawing, painting, teaching grammar, speech training for students. She was a BA, BEd trained teacher. The various missions and missionary activities offered a setting for Sr Olinda to give her very best in loving service to all. She has rendered her services in Ariskere, Bathinda, Karnal,Ludhiana, Paradip, Naini, Badibahal, McMandro, Greater Noida, Rajaulatu and Ushamatu in Ranchi etc. After retirement she was in charge of NTT students at Grater Noida for 6 years, spent nearly 6 to 7 years training the ‘come and see’ and student candidates teaching English in Badibahal.
In 2015, she was diagnosed with the ovarian cancer, after a three years’ treatment she recovered and opted for prayer ministry in the first batch at Bethany Mother House for a year and from 2020 onwards she was at Bethany Convent, Ushamatu, Ranchi, Jharkhand.
For the past 10 months,Sr Olinda’s health condition deteriorated due to age-related ailments. During the time of her illness, she accepted her pain in a spirit of faith surrender. She was resigned to God’s will. She did not want to be hospitalized for further treatment.
Throughout her illness, Sr Karuna and the community members surrounded her with love, prayers, and care. She was administered the Sacrament of the Sick on 5 February 2025 by the parish priest. As her condition worsened, the sisters kept vigil, praying for her. On 22 February at 7.00 am, the girl who was looking after her, noticed her breathing hard. So, she called the sisters who were in prayer. Immediately, Sr Karuna, the superior along with the community members, rushed to the bedside of Sr Olinda offering her prayerful support. At 7.15 am Sr Olinda breathed her last in the presence of the sisters and flew to her Master peacefully.
Sr Jessy Maria, the Provincial Superior who was at Jharna, Spirituality Centre, Ranchi, for a seminar on restructuring the Congregation into multiple Trusts, was informed. Immediately, she rushed to Bethany Convent, Ushamatu to be with the sisters and pray for the departed soul of Sr Olinda.
On receiving the death news, Sr Violet D’Souza, the Procurator General, Provincial Team and the sisters participating in the seminar, reached Bethany Convent, Ushamatu to pay their respects.
The funeral mass will be celebrated on 3:00 pm on Sunday, 23 February 2025, at Good Shepherd Church, McMandro Parish and thereafter the mortal remains will be interred in Bethany Convent, Rajaulatu Cemetery, reserved for Bethany Sisters.
I extend my sincere condolences to Sr Jessy Maria BS the Provincial Superior of Eastern Province, and all the sisters of the province, especially to Sr Karuna, the local superior of Bethany Convent, Ushamatu and the sisters who lovingly took care of Sr Olinda.
Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and perpetual light shine upon her;
May she rest in peace.
Sr Rose Celine BS
(Superior General)