
“My beloved is mine and I am his; he pastures his flock among the lilies. Arise my love, and come.” Song of Solomon 2:16. Allured by the call of the Lord to follow him closely,Sr Mary Rita Therese, Sr Anna Mary, Sr Mary Deepa Siddi, Sr Mary Geetha Prakash, Sr Mary Arpitha Gracy and Sr Mary Jyothi, on April 27, 2024, made a total commitment of themselves permanently through the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, saying “Behold I am the handmaid of the Lord. Let it be done unto me according to your word.”Lk. 1:38.
The Church of our Lady of Perpetual Succour at Nirmal Nagar in Dharwad, wore a magnificent look, decked in all hues and colours,to celebrate this event.The solemn Eucharistic celebration was officiated by Most Rev Dr Derek Fernandes, the Bishop of Belgaum Diocese, concelebrated by 16 priests, to commemorate this consecration of the young brides of Christ, who having left their homes, offered their lives “to stay with Jesus and be sent out on his mission” Mk. 3:14.Partaking of the charism of the Servant of God Raymond Francis Camillus Mascarenhas, the Founder, who founded the Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany, way back on July 16, 1921, to bring the compassionate love of Jesus to all, especially to the rural poor and the girls in particular, they made their commitment and vowed to remain faithful to this consecration, till they will sit with their bridegroom at the eternal banquet.

Sr Mariette BS, the Delegate of the Superior General received the vows in the presence of the two witnesses viz. Sr M Sally BS, Provincial Superior of Western Province and Sr M Sahana BS, the Provincial Superior of Bangalore Province. It was a time of jubilation and celebration while the parents and relatives of these young 6 Bethanites,Sr Shubha the representative of Provincial Superior of Mangalore Province, and the Bethany Sisters from far and near, Sisters of other Congregations, the Parishioners and other well wishers, joined in thanksgiving to God for enriching the Church through these daring young virgins who leaving the allurements of the world chose to follow Christ closely on the path of three vows. We pray that they continue to gaze at the face of Jesus, to whom they have made their commitment and become the hands and feet of Jesus, exclusively offering to love and serve God’s people.

News by: Sr M Sally BS, Provincial Superior, Western Province Dharwad

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