
The ten wise virgins chosen by the Lord began their spiritual journey of deep learning in the portal of our Blessed mother at Rosa Mystica tertiate, on June 29th, the feast of Peter and Paul, the great pillars of the Church. These ten tertians hail from 6 states and 5 provinces. Under the guidance of Rev. Sr. Rose Celine, the Superior General and Sr Santhosh Maria the Secretory generalten tertians were initiated to Tertianship formation with zeal and enthusiasm.
A meaningfull initiation prayer services at 6.15pm was conducted by Sr Anitha Stephen the assistant directress. The day’s theme, “Growing in holiness through transformation into Christ,” deeply moved the gathered community. All the inmates of Rosa Mystica campus joined for this great event to bless and pray for our tertians. Carrying roses as symbols of their self-offering to the Lord, they felt overwhelmed with peace and joy as they approached the altar. Sr. Rose Celine enlightened them about spousal relationship with Jesus, using the imagery of the vine and the branches. She urged them to bear fruits of forgiveness, love, humility, and kindness by staying connected to the Lord, and encouraged them to shed anything that hinders their transformation into the likeness of Jesus.

It was a moment filled with grace as the Superior General illuminated the lamp of our tertian directress Sr Alveena Clare and assistant directress Sr Anitha Stephen encouraged them to impart that light to ten tertians. Tertians were enveloped in divine light as they welcomed the light of Christ to illuminate their hearts. Following an hour of prayer, we gathered in the classroom for a brief ceremony led by Sr. Anitha Stephen, the Assistant Tertian Directress. Sr. Alveena Clare, the Tertian Directress, warmly welcomed the tertians, novices, candidates and Sr. Leena Pereira & community. Sr. Rose Celine urged them to walk the path of Synodality, participation, communion, and mission, fostering unity with the universal church. The novices graced the occasion with melodious singing, adding a heavenly touch to the ceremony. Tertians then introduced themselves to the community, expressing gratitude to the Superior General and all guests. The day concluded with a fellowship meal and heartfelt thanks to God for His blessings.

News by:Rosa Mystica, Tertiate Community

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