
The Lord has done great things for us, holy be His name!

Mary our Blessed Mother acclaimed these words for the wonders the Lord had worked in her. Similar sentiments were expressed for the new facility for Bethany’s Senior Sisters was inaugurated and blessed. It was a triple celebration day. First and foremost, it was the Feast of our Lady of Mount Carmel an ancient event; secondly, it was the 103rd anniversary of Foundation day of Bethany which took place on 16 July 1921; thirdly, in time, today on 16 July 2024, Bethany’s 194th shoot has branched off in the Canonical erection of Bethany Convent Sohlaper, Meghalaya.

Bethany Convent Sohlaper will be a home for our Senior Sisters who have spent their youthful days in the missions in North East India, most of them for 5 to 6 decades.

While Educational ministry is already afoot, due importance will be given to pastoral care and socio-medical apostolates in the future and explore possibilities of reaching out to the people of the locality and respond to their needs appropriately.

It all began in 2017 when Sr Joy BS who was the Provincial Superior of North East Province saw the need for a suitable facility for Sisters now aging and needing medical facilities. She with her team members acquired a plot of land. The project was carried forward by Sr Sandhya the first Provincial Superior of Guwahati Province. And today under the dynamic leadership of Sr Benedicta Aranha the beautiful and appropriate residential facility nestling in the lap of captivating natural scenic beauty is created.

On Tuesday 16th July 103rd Foundation Anniversary of Bethany, Sr Rose Celine Superior General Of Bethany inaugurated the building, Sr Mariette the General Councillor and Sr Benedicta Aranha the Provincial Superior of Guwahati Province unveiled the plaque and Archbishop of Shillong blessed the new Building. The Holy Eucharist was celebrated by Archbishop Victor Lingdoh with five priests. Today’s program was attended by numerous Sisters, and lay people.

During the Eucharistic Celebration Sr Rose Celine read the decree of erection of 194th Branch of Bethany at Sohlaper Mawpdang in Meghalaya.
In the evening during an hour of prayer Sr Amritha was installed as the first Superior with Srs Gilbertine, Joy, Bankyntiew, Evelyne Khonglah, JenethLalrinsangi and Jane Gonsalves as members of the newly erected community.
Sisters are grateful to God for His torrential blessings on Bethany Congregation and Guwahati Province in particular.There was an expression of indebtedness to Sr Rose Celine the Superior General and her team for all the support and guidance. The presence of Sr Rose Celine and Sr Mariette added joy and fulfilment to the celebration.

News By:Sr M Joy BS, Bethany Convent Mawpdang,Meghalaya

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