
In a significant stride towards enhancing health services and education, Karunamatha Health Centre, managed by Mother of Mercy Convent, Gadenhally, proudly inaugurated its laboratory services and launched a comprehensive Home Nursing course. The event marked a pivotal moment in the Centre’s ongoing commitment to improving Community Health and providing quality medical education. The inauguration ceremony was graced by notable dignitaries, Sr Sahana, the Provincial Superior, Sr Winnifred the Assistant Provincial Superior, Sr Ranjitha,Provincial Councillor and Local Superior and, Rev. Fr Moses Parish Priest and Sr Tresa Lydia, Director of Bethany Vocational Training Centre. Sr Sheetal the master of ceremony compered the day’s event.
The day’s programme commenced with the blessing by Rev. Fr Moses the Parish Priest. Joy overwhelmed in our hearts as new laboratory and home nursing course was inaugurated by Rev.Sr Sahana the Provincial Superior. The purpose of the laboratory is to promote quality medical service. The newly inaugurated laboratory is equipped with latest Diagnostic Technology, such as the Hematology and Biochemistry analyzer which are designed to provide accurate and timely test results. The laboratory will provide facility of medical care that was previously unavailable in the village of Gadenahally and other surrounding villages.

Along side the laboratory inauguration, Karunamatha Centre also launched its Home Nursing Course in collaboration with Bethany Vocational Training Centre, Mankalale, Sagar. This course aims at training individuals to deliver essential health care services in home settings, addressing a growing need for professional home care especially for the elderly and the chronically ill patients who require continuous medical attention.The beneficiaries of the program are the 4 students recruited by Sr Tresa Lydia, who hail from different parts of Karnataka. Sr. Ranjitha the Program Coordinator briefed about the course. Sr Sahana,encouraged & motivated the sisters & students with her words of wisdom. Sr Ranjitha, then raised her voice of gratitude to the gathered assembly.
Sr Sheetal Gomes BS

News By:Karunamatha Health Centre, Mother of Mercy Convent, Gadenahally

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