

On October 15th, the feast of St. Teresa of Avila, the great mystic and spiritual giant, the Bethany Congregation celebrated an auspicious occasion: the inauguration of its new Spirituality Centre, 'SAANIDHYA.' As the evening sun began to set, precisely at 6:00 p.m., the Sisters gathered at the feet of Mother Mary at the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes, entrusting the birthing of this new venture to her. In harmonious unison, they sang the Konkani hymn ‘Bethanyche Amche Bhagevont Maathe’… (Our Blessed Mother of Bethany…), invoking Our Lady’s blessings for Saanidhya's journey ahead.
Sr Sharon BS, in her introductory remarks during the opening prayer, reflected on the profound ‘Rocks’ of Bethany’s spirituality as envisioned by our Founder, the Servant of God RFC Mascarenhas. The three foundational rocks are: the Chamber of the Annunciation at Nazareth, the House of Bethany, and the Cloister of Lisieux. These sacred spaces anchor the Sisters in Jesus Christ, enabling them to live in faith-filled surrender like the Blessed Virgin Mary, while responding to the contemporary needs of society. She invoked the call of Perfectae Caritatis, which urges a return to spiritual roots and a rediscovery of the Founder’s Charism. This moment of reflection was followed by a heartfelt prayer of gratitude for their revered Founder and the pioneering sisters, as well as for the General Chapter members and the diligent efforts of the Spiritual Committees.

With the words of Scripture, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you” (James 4:8), the Congregation was invited into a deeper reflection on the universal longing for communion with God, as portrayed in the story of the Samaritan Woman at the well. As a symbol of this spiritual journey, Sr Rose Celine BS, the Superior General, together with Sr Mariette BS, Sr Jyoti BS, Sr Shaila BS, Sr Shubha BS, Sr Noel, Sr Manila, and Sr Benita (Novice), sisters representing different stages of religious life, lit the ceremonial diya to the chanting of the ancient pilgrim prayer: Asatoma Sat Gamaya (Lead me from falsehood to Truth…).

Sr Jyoti BS offered a cordial welcome to the audience, acknowledging their roles, identities, and the places they hailed from. She described Saanidhya as a cherished gift of love, a dream come true, providing both a physical place and a spiritual space for all seekers of God, especially the Sisters of Bethany.
The inauguration was marked by the unveiling of the Saanidhya logo, launched by Rev Sr Rose Celine BS. In her address, she reflected on the 496 sisters who have returned to their Creator, their pilgrimage on earth complete, and resonated with the hymn, O Lord, my God, there’s a longing in my heart for you. She paraphrased the letters "BS" not only as "Bethany Sisters" but also as "Bachelors of Sanctity," reflecting the unique identity and spiritual path laid down by the Servant of God RFC Mascarenhas. She recognized the significance of the Mother House, a site long envisioned for this sacred endeavour, as determined by the XVI and XVII General Chapters.

Sr Rose Celine BS further explained the symbolism of the Saanidhya logo. The circle represents the fullness of life offered by God through Bethany Spirituality. At the heart of this is the Holy Trinity, the wellspring of love, unity, and holiness. The words Ecce Ancilla Domini – "Behold the handmaid of the Lord" – remind the Sisters of their motto and identity, and of their desire to live out God's will in the footsteps of Jesus and Mary, guided by the Founder’s vision. She acknowledged the work of the teams of Sisters led by Sr Joy BS and Sr Shaila BS, who, under the guidance of Sr Mariette BS, coordinated the writing of retreat modules, and she expressed her hope that Bethany Sisters would continue to radiate holiness through their lives and mission.

Sr Mariette BS shared reflections on the journey that led to the creation of Saanidhya, highlighting Bethany Spirituality’s universal embrace of all people who long for holiness. This vision, first proposed in the XIII General Chapter of 1998, aimed to provide a house of prayer, a sacred space for communion with God, and a memorial for research, study, reflection, and prayer. The initiative evolved over the years, and by the XVII General Chapter, it was decided that a Spirituality Centre would be established as a Centenary Memorial. On this day, October 15th, 2024, that dream was fulfilled.
The sacred grounds of the Bethany Mother House offer a fitting location for this centre, rich in the legacy of the Founder’s spiritual journey. Here, one finds the Adoration Chapel, the first novitiate, the spiritual-cultural centre, the great tunnel – a testament to the Founder’s genius in providing protection for the Sisters – and the humble bakery and cattle shed that once sustained the Congregation. Each element tells a story of Bethany’s history, from the Marian Grotto to the Founder’s Cottage, radiating light and grace, to the Bethany Cultural Centre, the Heritage Park, and the church built by the Founder. His tomb, rebuilt in 2016 in the Church aisle, stands as a spiritual monument for all times, a symbol of the enduring legacy for the people of God.
The purpose of this new Spirituality Centre is to pass on the spirituality, traditions, and values of Bethany to younger generations, to those who may never have known the Founder or the pioneering members. It will offer an opportunity for Sisters from distant regions, as well as children, youth, staff of our institutions, and people of all walks of life, to set foot on this hallowed ground, reconnect with their roots, and be spiritually rejuvenated. The choir of the Mother House community beautifully encapsulated the spirit of Saanidhya with their resonant theme song – Be Thou My Vision, bringing the ceremony to life.
As the event drew to a close, Sr Shaila BS, the Delegation Superior, expressed her profound gratitude, reminding all that, “Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain.” The services of Sr Shubha and the Mother House community, and all who contributed to make the event memorable, were gratefully acknowledged. The first batch of ten Sisters who would make a three-day recollection on Bethany Spirituality was joyfully welcomed as a pioneering team. Sr Prema Gonsalves BS graciously and beautifully anchored the program. The day concluded in an atmosphere of serenity, with memories of this special occasion lingering in the hearts of all, and joyfully participating in the fellowship meal.


News By: Sr Hilarita BS, Bethany Mother House, Mangalore

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