
18 sisters including Sr Joy the Provincial Superior and four of her Team members attended a Charismatic Retreat conducted by Sehion Team from Attapady Kerala. The retreat was organized by the Archdiocese of Guwahati. It was for Women Religious who were more than 500 in number.  It was hosted by Missionary Sisters of Mary Help of Christians (MSMHC), at Hatigaon, Dispur at their Generalate.

It was indeed a grace-filled occasion. The Spirit of God touched every heart with the Divine Spirit and the Divine Word and set everyone on fire. The Sisters realized that they have gone far away from the Lord in living their consecrated life. So prayer, penance and detachment from the worldly things alone can put us back on the track of living the life in right earnestness and more authentically.

Praise and worship


Retreat 2


Sr M Joy BS - Provincial Superior


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