
Feb 2, 2017: Home mission was arranged at St Joseph Convent, where we have Catholic families in the same village belonging to Angami Tribe. Sr Harsha, the Superior of the Convent, had made all the arrangements in consultation with Fr Jerome Veigas SJ, the Parish Priest, Village Leaders and Catechists. Sr Mary Laldikzuali along with 17 Sisters and 3 candidates went for the home mission from 6th to 12th 2017. They were warmly welcomed by the Catholic Community. The sisters visited them in their homes, listened to their struggles and prayed with them. They learnt to appreciate the faith of the people, their culture, life style of the people and their way of dealing with problems. Spending time with them, listening to them and praying together with them enabled the sisters to be more enthusiastic in serving the Lord.





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