March, 24 2017: The birth of ‘Bethany’ at Chomu in the Diocese of Jaipur in the State of Rajasthan was an experience of the steadfast love of God overwhelming us with sentiments of gratitude to God. The day of vigil of Annunciation of Our Lord, 24 March 2017 was indeed a red letter day for us Bethany Sisters of the Northern Province. The ‘Yes’ of Jesus to dwell among us and liberate us, the ‘Yes’ of Mary to receive the Incarnate Word and enflesh him in her womb, the ‘Yes’ of the Servant of God Raymond F C Mascarenhas to make Jesus known and loved through Bethany was made concrete on that memorable day at Chomu, in Rajasthan through our Sisters Vanitha Veena, Sr Clarice and Sr Amira who said ‘Yes’ to God to incarnate Jesus in Rajasthan. Becoming pioneers in a new territory they are all set to bring Jesus to birth amidst the people of Rajasthan through pastoral and educational ministries.
Chomu is located 33 km far in north from Jaipur. Chomu is famous for its bumper groundnut crop every year. Due to the availability of sweet and fresh water, fruits and vegetables that are grown here are famous for their good taste. Chomu is also connected to Jaipur by meter gauge rail line. It is connected with Jaipur and Sikar with National Highway No.11.
At the invitation of Most Rev Oswald Lewis, bishop of Jaipur, our Superior General in her council decided to open the 180th Community of the Congregation and the 19th Community of the Northern Province of Bethany on Friday, the 24 March 2017 to carry forward the mission of compassionate love of Jesus in the spirit of the triple ‘Fiat’ of Jesus, Mary and our Founder.
It was a feeling of a celebration of the Family Feast with the head of the Congregation, our Superior General, Sr Rose Celine BS lending grace and solemnity to the occasion by her loving presence and words of inspiration. Sr Jyoti BS, the Provincial Superior of the Northern Province, along with her council members Sr Chantal, Sr Arpan, Sr Helima and Sr Violet, Provincial Procurator Sr Gracy D’ Souza accepted the divine intervention in faith and took up the challenge of entering into an unchartered territory to witness to God’s love through pastoral and educational ministries and through an openness to other ministries at an opportune time.
Amidst a modest number of priests and religious both women and men, and a few families Bishop Oswald Lewis blessed and inaugurated the magnificent building of St Anselm Hr Sec School which would house generations after generations to usher in God’s Reign of love and peace, harmony and fellowship, justice, equality and freedom. To make his dream come true he needed the mediation of a congregation of women religious who would say ‘Yes’ to God and Bethany said, “Behold! Here I am! I am coming to do your Will O Lord”. “Evangelization is done through education as it is the best means of transforming human mind and heart” Bishop said.
The culmination of this colourful event was celebration of the Eucharist in the new Convent Chapel and blessing of the Convent building. The Mass of the Feast of Annunciation was chosen for the Eucharist. Sr Chantal, Asst Provincial Superior welcomed the gathering and explained the significance of the day. Bethany choir added solemnity to the jubilation. Sr Rose Celine, the Superior General, announced the Decree of erection of the 180th Community of the Congregation and 19th one of the Northern Province.
During a short felicitation programme which followed the Holy Eucharist Bishop thanked Sr Rose Celine BS, Superior General for accepting his invitation, and thanked Sr Jyoti and her Council for facilitating the process. The Vicar General Edward Olivera welcomed the Bethany Sisters to the Diocese and he thanked Bishop and Parish Priest for their hard work. Sr Rose Celine and Sr Jyoti expressed their gratitude to Bishop Oswald Lewis and the Manager Fr Jose Anikatt for the making all the elaborate arrangement to accommodate us, Fr Melwyn and Sr Piadade and the Community of Holy Family Sisters for their support. She also thanked everyone gathered on this blessed occasion. A delicious meal was served at the end.